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Dear Editor,
It was Desmond Tutu who stated, “Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely to realize our need for one another.”
From a Caribbean nation born and bred from one race, the Indigenous people, explorers came to this land and created the foundation to accommodate the eventuality of six races, with the existential reciprocity of time and tide.
Historically, this land of many waters evidentially became British Guiana as England laid a final stake to claim it as her colony. As people gravitated to a new way of life after being imported forcefully and/or voluntarily, their interconnectivity produced a network to provide the advent of mixed races to augment the compilation of a newly populated status quo.
Independence in 1966 gave birth to Guyana, and the freedom of cementing differences along with the opportunity of meshing indifferences. From an impetus of direct and controlled mischief, the intrusion of power-drunk strides, industrial strikes and political strife, a seed was planted to ferment a nation of perpetual antagonism, bedded by the might of a Burnham dictatorship.
But 33 years of calamity under the gruesome PNC high-handed insolence massacred the suppressed people of Guyana to divide and control the masses. Burnham, Hoyte and Granger failed miserably to educate and inform Guyanese, so that they could be really free. The motto of “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” was their party’s dream, and not a reality.
This drama played out until 1992, when the centurion Jimmy Carter made the impossible possible and the father of the nation, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, was able to reclaim his rightful portfolio as President of Guyana. With his capable characteristics and culpable charisma, he was able to forge the beginning of the end of segregation. Followed by Janet Jagan’s short-lived torment by the antagonist PNC, the protagonist crosses the boundary of financial barriers, the youthful Bharrat Jagdeo blazed a trail of the fiery path to out the flame of bankruptcy, insolvency and autocracy.
His successor manifested in the form of an Olympic champion to continue the marathon race, bearing the blazing fire from a bright torch and shouldering the burden of ensuring the baton is kept in possession and maintained towards the finishing line.
No other than the Leonorian Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali was identified to be the leader to lay the foundation for an unprecedented future, an unparallel path, and an unexplored adventure to rewrite the political, economic and sociological future for the country, the people, and by extension the Caribbean neighbours.
Entrusted with the vigour, vitality and veracity of confidence, Dr Ali rose to the expectation of his party, surpassed his anticipators, and quieted his naysayers with his outstanding performances.
The indomitable President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali is the persuasive dynamism which keeps the candle of hope lighted, the wheel of production spinning, the scale of justice balancing, and the fire of zeal burning.
A restless personality, always on the hunt for perfection and prowling the field for hidden evidence, he sniffs in every nook and cranny to personally determine (not discover), the shortcomings of any adversities affecting any resident personally or any community holistically.
As the President faces the nation, he stands tall in making the case with the Guyanese dialogue as he addresses issues in the news. His perpetual “President’s Outreach” program solidifies this quantified fact and qualifies his robust enthusiasm. His busy schedule is sensitized to visit all the regions and communities without fear or favour.
As the President spends invaluable time with all Guyanese, the critics will observe that there is no room to plant the seed of discrimination or room to vocalize the voice of disparity. He leaves no stone unturned and Dr. Ali’s humility does not preclude him from mixing, meeting and mingling with anyone.
President Ali’s unswerving loyalty to the people of Guyana is a testament to his continuous leading by example; leaning towards the man in the street; spending time listening to men, women and children; learning about the problems encountered by the citizens, community and country; lecturing as a grass roots teacher; levelling with the people and always leaving a satisfied audience with immediate remedial solutions.
It is because he mingles with the masses and does not stay in his office that he is in touch with reality, on top of his administration, and is able to relate efficiently and effectively. Thus, his relief package presented last Thursday at the special 86th sitting of Guyana’s Twelfth Parliament came as no surprise, but one that was anxiously awaited by the people and promptly.
Notwithstanding its enormity, it is convincingly conceived as the tip of the iceberg, with a bigger package carefully wrapped for a later revelation. The appetizers are teasing, and the main course will be saturating. Guyanese will be able to devour a sumptuous holiday dinner as Guyana will not be denied a happy Christmas.
Carols are already in the mainstream to hit the air earlier than usual, but the Three Stooges, Ben, Bur and Brey, are busy bribing Mr Scrooge and Mr Grinch to work a miracle so that snow will storm its way to Guyana and snuff out the season! But that type of whiteout will be welcoming!
The flustered Opposition was left fussing, fuming and frothing as they fizzled in a charade to parade their bamboozlement, befuddlement and bewilderment! While the PNC is concerned with the crowning effect that Guyanese will gobble up this handout and jump the ship next year, they are more worried with the thought that the PNC will be left out in the cold for another 28 years. That is not the Christmas gift they wrote to Santa for. But then, Guyana’s Father Christmas is President Irfaan Ali, Santa Clause himself. He unites One Guyana with peace, love and happiness.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall

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